Online lectures and webinars

Online lectures and webinars are a very effective way for patient organisations and other non-profit associations to spread knowledge, communicate about key projects, and inform a wide audience in all stakeholder groups. This checklist should support you in holding this kind of meeting online.

Meeting objectives

  1. Increase knowledge and expertise of a larger number of people by training your community members
  2. Communicate about key projects and relevant topics of your patient organisation
  3. Increase outreach to a wider community by presenting your projects

Implementation checklist

  1. Choose and set up the technical platform
    Choose the platform, consider to use a Webinar add-on, set up the meeting (e.g. via  Zoom or GoToMeeting)
  2. Set up specific webinar-related services (e.g. recording)
  3. Invite participants
  4. Prepare speaker briefings, collect presentations, review presentations
  5. Manage and moderate the virtual meeting
    • Manage presentations
    • Moderate a Q&A
  6. Make recordings of presentations available online


License terms

This is released under Creative Commons NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. You may share (copy and redistribute) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon) this. However you must give appropriate credit to WECAN, a license notice and a link to the original material. For example “Adapted from (title of this document, link to this document) of WECAN under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0“. If you build upon this material, you must distribute your version under the same license as the original (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Written by Jan Geissler, 11/6/2020, V1.0. If you have any suggestions for changes or amendments, we would appreciate your email to [email protected].