How and why does access to treatment and care differ between EU Member States, and how to address it in advocacy and policy?

Presentation at the WECAN Academy 2019:

How and why does access to treatment and care differ between EU Member States, and how to address it in advocacy and policy?

Presenter: David Haerry, EUPATI

The following presentation held at the WECAN Academy 2019 will help you to understand:

  • How and why does access to treatment and care differ between EU MS – examples and inequalities
  • Why they shouldn’t just focus on pricing as the key access barrier. Different types of barriers to access to treatment and care – reimbursement and HTA is just one barrier out of many
  • How to address this in patient advocacy with policy markers, regulators, HTA bodies, clinicians
  • What their role and responsibility in this – and how not to fall into the trap of easy solutions in a complex problem
  • Why barking up the wrong tree is counterproductive – understand the barrier, define an advocacy goal, and go for it with evidence-based advocacy – instead of complaining about access issues to the wrong party
  • Access experiences in HIV versus Hepatitis C treatments
  • How to lobby for access – Swiss Hepatitis Strategy as example
  • How to build an effective access monitoring tool: MPE example


Get the facts together

  • MPE Access Atlas

Position papers:


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